
User Journey for Braindates

By April 1, 2018No Comments

Portfolio > Case Study: Scaling Braindates for E180 > User Journey for Braindates


To understand the scope of this project (and help create alignment), I created a user journey that outlines how this new user group (‘community organizers’) might approach deploying braindates to their community.


I applied many smaller design sessions and documentation as well as the business plan to put together an initial vision for how this new user could flow through the product. The user journey has been used by many members of the team. Using this as a focus internal discussions, has helped the team focus on concrete user-oriented topics as well as helped the team understand where they fit into the user journey itself.

The user journey is also being used to elicit feedback from community organizers, as the product develops with them as the central focus.


The user journey is decidedly Balsamiq-level of refinement. As a communications tool, this was perfect.

The journey outlines distinct moments for the user, like exploring and purchasing the product, putting on a braindate event, analyzing the success of the event and watching the community evolve over time.

The original sketch of the user journeys.

The original sketch of the user journeys.

The followup version, shared widely with the team.


Portfolio > Case Study: Scaling Braindates for E180 > User Journey for Braindates